The “Can do” motto is at the heart of Hyundai’s heritage,
It’s the attitude of progressing, no matter what.
It’s the act of always chasing the next.
It’s the persistent curiosity of what lies ahead,
Of what comes after.
What was once the spirit of one man, today is the ethos of an entire company,
We have come this far.
And we won’t stop here.
Next Awaits.
Hyundai Tale of Progress (Long Copy print Ad)

5 meters away from 1500 °C

Shooting in live traffic.

The shale mines

Client: Hyundai Motors
CCO: Gabriel Mattar
CCO: Gabriel Mattar
ECD: Ricardo Wolff
Production Company: MJZ London and Tony Peterson Film
Script: Gabriel Mattar, Rohan Vitus Fernandes, Reinier Gorissen
Script: Gabriel Mattar, Rohan Vitus Fernandes, Reinier Gorissen
'Next Awaits' Campaign Slogan and Manifesto: Rohan Vitus Fernandes
Art Direction: Marlon von Franquemont, Nicolaas Kotze
Art Direction: Marlon von Franquemont, Nicolaas Kotze
Producer: Mark Rota
Director: Dante Ariola
Director: Dante Ariola
DOP: Kasper Tuxen
Track: 2wei
Track: 2wei
Awards and Recognitions
New York Film Festival 2x - finalist
Epica - Shortlist
Cresta Awards 2x - Bronze and Shortlist
LIA - Shortlist